Crossplay is available for players between all available platforms : PC Epic, PC Steam, PC GoG, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox Series, Xbox One.
You may need to activate crossplay option on your console. By launching the game, you need to activate crossplay option in the game by going in Main Menu > Options > Crossplay : ON.
Then, you can setup a multiplayer crossplay version as a host or an invitee by generating a invitation code.
Please note that you may see the icon of the invitee console, but display change from one console to another.
Please note that you can only host a session by launching a mission on Campaign mode or Guildmaster mode first. Saved data of the host will be saved on your own device for multiplayer purpose - please make sure you have enough space on your device if needed - especially on Nintendo Switch.
Is there a crossplay feature?
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