Which stores is Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace available on?
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace is available on Steam, Gog, Nintendo Store (Switch), Playstation Store (PS4) and Microsoft Store (Xbox One&a...
What are the minimum specifications/requirements needed to play Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace?
Here are the minimum specifications/requirements needed for Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace:OS: Windows® 7, 64-bitProcessor: Intel...
What is the PEGI/RSRB rating for this game?
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace is rated PEGI 16
Which languages are supported?
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace is available in:EnglishFrenchItalianGermanSpanish
Will there be any DLC?
Nothing plan for the moment, but stay tunned!Facebook: https://facebook.com/AsmodeeDigital/Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmodeedigital
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