Game content
Which game variants are available?
All three official variants are available for free:- the Corporate Era- the Solo Challenge- and the Draft Mode
Are there any expansions planned?
Yes, Hellas&Elyseum and Prelude DLCs are already available on Steam, GOG, EPIC, Android and iOS! Follow us on social media to not m...
Where can I read the rules of the game?
The complete rules, including the three official variants, are available in the game.- From the main menu, go to Options, then Rules.- If yo...
I've found a bug, what should I do?
If you encounter a bug in Terraforming Mars, please send a description of the issue, your logs, and screenshots.To do so, click on the "cont...
How far from the Blue Planet is the Red Planet?
In average, Mars and Earth are distant from 225 million kilometers. This distance can be reduced to a minimum of 54.6 million km or extended...
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